Monday, 14 August 2017

Fixed some rivets and started riveting the VS skin to the structure

I fixed some rivets that had 'smilies' on them from the cupped rivet set jumping on the shop head. I drilled them out and installed new rivets. these ones will be visible so although they were probably acceptable, it is good to have them looking better.

Saturday, 12 August 2017

Rivetted VS rear spar and VS structure

Completed rivetting the rear spar doubler and rudder hinge brackets to the VS rear spar.

Rivetted the rest of the VS structure components together.

Friday, 11 August 2017

Primed the vertical stabiliser rear spar and doubler.

Deburred, dimpled and primed the remainder of the VS structure parts.

Dimpled the VS skin.

Primed the inside of the VS skin.

Started riveting the lower rudder hinge brackets to the rear spar. Had to drill out the first rivet as I did not set it correctly - see the right most rivet in the picture below.

Drilled out the manufactured head of the rivet and used the drill bit to snap off the head.

Used a punch to push out the shop head of the rivet.

I set a new rivet and then backriveted the rest of the flush head rivets on the rear spar. The marks on the hinge brackets is adhesive that has rubbed off from the protective tape on the bucking bar. I'm not happy with the rivet on the top right of this photo so I'll probably end up replacing it as well.

Saturday, 5 August 2017

Made a start on the vertical stabiliser.

  • Cleco'd the double to the front spar and trimmed to suit. 
  • Deburred, dimpled and primed the doubler and the mating face of the front spar. I'm just using a spray can primer - SLS Etch Primer.
  • Used a piece of round bar I had to back rivet against.

Crate was unpacked and inventory completed. Only a couple of minor parts missing.

Empennage kit arrives

The empennage kit arrived in Darwin and we drove it back to Kununurra.