Monday, 8 April 2019

Heard back from Van's, Continued building HS structure

Since the last post I have heard back from Van's regarding the over-countersinking on the HS front spar. They have advised that it is OK and to keep building just to use a small rivet set to keep the rivet head tight in the countersink.
I turned a small rivet set on the lathe to fit the rivet head and set the rivet without any problems then continued rivetting the HS Front Spar assembly.

Since doing this I have been deburring and fluting the ribs for the HS. I have also made a tool to bend the flanges of the ribs to 90 degrees.

Saturday, 8 September 2018

Started Horizontal Stabiliser

Started the rear spar for the horizontal stabiliser. Deburred the components and final drilled the rear spar doubler to the rear spar.

Assembled the centre bearing bracket for the elevator attachment.

Primed and rivetted the rear spar doubler to the rear spar.

These rivets are countersunk to allow the centre bearing bracket to attached over the top.

I made a slight scuff while removing a poorly driven rivet, smoothed it up with a scotchbrite pad and sprayed some primer over it.

Horizontal stabiliser rear spar assembly complete, started the front spar assembly.

The plans call for countersunk rivets around the horizontal stabiliser attachment points. I made a mistake and over countersunk the upper rivet hole. I think I will be able to rivet it and continue building but will get confirmation from Vans.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Finished Rudder

In the last couple of months I have finished the rudder. The trailing edge was riveted and then the leading edge shaped and riveted.

Once I was finished with the rudder, I put it in position next to the vertical stabiliser to get an idea of how it looks.

Friday, 15 December 2017

Rudder components have been primed and assembled. First was the rudder structure assembly followed by attaching the stiffeners to the rudder skins. Next was inserting and riveting the structure into the skin assembly. The counterweight was then installed.

The lower middle rivet in this photo was drilled out and replaced.

Friday, 10 November 2017

Started the rudder assembly

I have separated the connected parts, deburred, assembled, final drilled, disassembled and dimpled the rudder assembly, ready for a coat of primer.

Saturday, 2 September 2017

Finished the VS

I finished riveting the VS skin to the structure and installed the VS rear spar.

Photo with the finished Vertical Stabiliser

Monday, 14 August 2017

Fixed some rivets and started riveting the VS skin to the structure

I fixed some rivets that had 'smilies' on them from the cupped rivet set jumping on the shop head. I drilled them out and installed new rivets. these ones will be visible so although they were probably acceptable, it is good to have them looking better.